Safe lock

Name: Safe Locker
A project in the field of security

I used the servo motor, lights, fingerprint, and electric lock

School helper MR.I’MEE

Our project uses face detection to take students’ attendance and uses machine learning in aiding injured students . If it’s a small injury the robot provides the proper first aid kit and if it’s a larger injury the nurse gets notified to take action.

Smart farmbot

الإسم: smart farmbot _ روبوت المزرعة الذكي

روبوت ذكي يقوم هذا الوبوت بالتجول داخل المزرعة وفحص المحاصيل وكذالك فهو يقيس نسبة الرطوبة في التربة ليرى اذا كانت تحتاج للسقي او لا فان كانت تحتاج فهو يقوم بكتابة ذلك على الشاشة و يصدر صوت ليبلغ الفلاح بذلك وايضا يخيف العصافير لانها تتسبب في نقص المحاصيل

Harvest Haven

Introducing EcoSort: an innovative automatic trash sorting system leveraging state-of-the-art AI technology. By swiftly and accurately segregating recyclable and non-recyclable materials, EcoSort revolutionizes waste management, reducing human error and labor costs while boosting recycling rates. Tailored for municipalities, waste management firms, and commercial entities, EcoSort offers a scalable, customizable solution. Its intuitive interface and seamless integration ensure effortless operation, delivering tangible environmental benefits and cost savings. With EcoSort, organizations can streamline waste sorting, minimize environmental impact, and embrace a sustainable future.

Smart Pet Feeder

The Smart Pet Feeder is a pet feeder for my dog called Rocky. It can open the dog food reservoir gate that I made using Arduino Uno and a servo to feed my dog if it walked in front of the camera. It opens once and gives the calibrated amount of food to my dog food bowl. If another dog other than mine walked in the camera it will not open. The code I use is simple but effective, utilizing AI and ML to detect if Rocky is on camera, the program will detect it and will trigger the system to open the food reservoir if it is more than 95% confidence that the dog on the camera is my dog Rocky. The way it works is by using the plugin in Pictoblox called Machine Learning with Teachable Machine


AquaSprout is a model we made for human survival, supporting billions of people around the world by providing food. Through agriculture, humans can produce food from various types of plants. Apart from being a food source, through agriculture plants can also be used as a medicinal route (plants such as ginger, turmeric, and others). Using AquaSprout is a very good choise. The way AquaSprout performs can help with farmers around the world, with the great pH water quality and also automated program for efficiency can help and provide better solution for the people around the world. AquaSprout must be very cheap and also very reliable for people.


روسيكسل هو روبوت مرافق للطفل الوحيد والمتوحد في المنزل بحيث يغنيه عن والديه المنشغلين عنه بالعمل او غيره، و مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وكذلك يكون له صديقا يلعب معه ومعلما ومرافقا صحيا طوال الوقت دون أن يشعر الطفل بالوحدة .

SmartBin – Detect garbage type using ML to open right bin

The idea is to create a smart bin which will detect the garbage type using Machine Learning object detection model and open the lid of the correct bin.

To develop the prototype I used lego boost and Pictoblox machine learning environment. It has a pulley system(motor connected to a string connected to the lid),there’s a stand to hold a screen(laptop).You just hold the object in front of the object and the program will open the corresponding lid.After 5 seconds it will close the lid automatically. I have done the coding in Pictoblox and used existing Pictoblox object detection models.

While everyone understands the need for garbage segregation, there is no standard approach. Some countries uses 2 bin(Dry(Wet) while some country uses multi bin approach. So, it becomes confusing for people to understand which garbage will go to which bin. My idea will make garbage segregation easier.

Asylum sterilization robot We are all …….dirin

Hurricane Daniel swept through the city of Derna, causing the valley to flood, causing great destruction and deaths, leading to environmental health crises as a result of the decomposition of bodies.