Smart Manhole Cover IoT Monitoring System

يهدف مشروعنا إلى تحسين إدارة تصريف المياه أثناء هطول الأمطار الغزيرة من خلال تنفيذ نظام آلي بالتعاون مع هيئة الحماية المدنية. من خلال استخدام التكنولوجيا المتقدمة وقدرات التحكم عن بعد، يمكننا تعزيز الكفاءة وتقليل مخاطر الفيضانات وضمان سلامة المواطنين

.تراقب أجهزة استشعار المياه باستمرار مستوى المياه أثناء أحداث هطول الأمطار. عندما يصل منسوب المياه إلى عتبة معينة، فإنه يدفع النظام إلى اتخاذ إجراء*

.عند اكتشاف مستويات المياه العالية، يقوم النظام بتنشيط المحرك الكهربائي لفتح غطاء البالوعة تلقائيًا. وهذا يسمح بتصريف المياه الزائدة ويمنع الفيضانات*

.لدى المستخدمين خيار تبديل النظام إلى الوضع اليدوي. في هذا الوضع، يمكنهم فتح الغطاء يدويًا أو إغلاقه باستخدام أزرار التحكم المتوفرة*

يتضمن المشروع وحدة SIM800L التي تتيح الاتصال عن بعد عبر الرسائل النصية*
يرسل النظام تنبيهات وتحديثات إلى هيئة الحماية المدنية، ويقدم معلومات في الوقت الفعلي عن مستويات المياه وحالة النظام

Project SkyFarm

Project SkyFarm is a groundbreaking initiative led by a group of diverse innovators, including Abdellah M. Benharkat, Gregory Abdo, and Jaydn Mehta. Our mission is to change agriculture forever by harnessing automated drones equipped with advanced sensors and AI/ML algorithms. These drones serve as the guardians and laborers of the fields, being able to detect issues such as nutrient deficiences, pest infestations, and water shortages in real-time. By providing formers (or themselves) with actionable insights, Project SkyFarm aims to increase crop yields while minimizing environmental impact as well as cost. Beyond effeciency, our mission is to create a future where agriculture is accessible to everyone, globally, ensuring food security for generations to come. With dedication, passion, and innovation, as well as your help and support, Project SkyFarm will be paving the way for a brighter, more sustainable future.

الذراع الاصطناعية

يتمثل هذا المشروع في يد اصطناعية لمبتوري الأيدي، في رؤية أولية عبر محاكاة حركة اليد عبر حساسات مربوطة بقفاز للتحكم في اليد الاصطناعية، مع رؤية مستقبلية لزراعة هاته الحساسات في الأعصاب بمرافقة عناصر طبية، لتحل محل اليد الحقيقية المفقودة.

AI-Optimized Farming

Our project pioneers a groundbreaking approach to revolutionize agriculture by utilizing the power of artificial intelligence in order to optimize crop growth. We’ve meticulously created a sophisticated simulation mirroring real-world farm conditions, including factors such as wildlife intrusion, soil dehydration, and even shifts in daylight. Leveraging cutting-edge AI algorithms, our system is able to identify and flag each of these various conditions within a designated plot, ensuring swift detection and response. Through meticulous data collection, we’ve programmed differing specialized robots to interpret this information and quickly correct any identified issues. Whether it’s deploying automated robots to deal with wildlife, initiating hydration protocols to replenish the soil, or implementing timely interventions to counteract daylight cycles, our AI-driven solution guarantees proactive agricultural management. By seamlessly integrating artificial intelligence into the field of agriculture, we’re revolutionizing a sustainable and efficient new perspective on crop cultivation.

Sport Exercises

Sports Exercise is an app that helps people to exercise. In Indonesia, there is a high number of obese people. People in Indonesia are also too lazy to exercise. This project helps make people more healthy. The goal of the project is to make a sports exercise App that is easy to use. This app will help lower the obesity rate in Indonesia. This app will also help increase the stamina of people who use it. This project was made using machine-learning pose detection created from the platform teachable machine. The machine learning detects how many squats or jumping jacks the user did. The resulting number will be valued and some motivational text will appear.

City Cleaner

City Cleaner” is a super fun game where you get to be a garbage truck driver! Using just your hands, you can move the truck all around the city and pick up trash. It’s like using magic powers to clean up! The game teaches us about keeping our cities clean and why it’s important to take care of our planet. So, while you’re playing and having a blast, you’re also learning how to be a superhero for the environment! Remember, every piece of trash you pick up in the game helps make the city a cleaner and happier place for everyone. Keep on cleaning, superhero!

AgricRobo Assist

AgricRobo Assist is a system of modernized, cutting-edge, precise farming technology, made to increase efficiency, cleanliness, harvests, and maintain regulations at farming establishments. Each plant will have an outfitted pot with dozens of sensors that will provide AgricRobo all the information needed to nourish the plant, maintain water levels, Ph level, and soil nutrient levels. When it is time for harvest, sensors will let AgricRobo know to harvest the crop, and plant new seeds if needed. Each plant will be in its own area, maintaining cleanliness and removing the risk of cross contamination with other plants. AgricRobo will also continuously be monitoring plants and dispensing pesticides if needed. To conclude, AgricRobo will be a tool of the future, making manual labor obsolete, and contributing to the improvement of farms.


An assistive reading technology with capabilities to understand printed text from books, documents and translate it to American Sign Language or hand signs promoting independent access to information to the deaf community, opening doors to a vast library of educational materials empowering them to explore diverse fields and fostering an inclusive learning environment.

It can also offer features –
That can hearing help people learn sign language
Also helps deaf people improve their communication skill

Recognizing currency for the blind people

This is a special project to facilitate the lives of the blind in Libya and India in particular, and around the world, using modern technologies. In this project, we used programming codes through the pictoblox program. The blind person can display the cash currency, specifically the Libyan currency in denominations of five dinars to fifty dinars, on the project, and the speaking robot recognizes the currency that it monitored successively. This makes it easier for the blind to recognize currencies without facing difficulty in doing so or being exposed to fraud or deception, which contributes to Raising the morale of the blind. This project can be presented to organizations protecting people with special needs, the World Health Organization, human rights associations, and private and public companies.

Brain Tumor Classification

Brain tumors are considered one of the most common and dangerous diseases due
to high mortality rates. Brain tumors are considered the tenth leading cause of death in the world, as statistics in recent years have shown large numbers of deaths due to brain tumors.