Clean water and sanitation

With a webcam and Teachable Machine, we can easily tell if a river is clean or dirty. If the river looks clean, the tool sends a cheerful message, but if it’s dirty, it sends an urgent message: “Your river is dirty. Let’s clean it up!” It even notifies the government so they can help. This simple system helps us keep an eye on our rivers, making sure they stay clean and healthy. By encouraging everyone to take action, it creates a community effort to protect our environment. With this technology, we’re not just monitoring rivers, we’re actively working to keep them clean for ourselves and future generations. It’s a small step towards a cleaner, greener planet, and every effort counts.

Night Light

We have created a project .To avoid the Accidents and To save electricity .This is our Solution for this problem.

Edge Detection Robot

Some people are going Mountain Treeking through Vehicles At one edge, the car was falling. For that, we have created this Project

Smart Agriculture Monitoring System

In agricultural land, when the water content is low, it will automatically turn on the water pump, and when the light is not sufficient for plants, it will turn on the light for the plants.


Team Avinya’s project “Ikshana”, which means to ‘care for and superintend’ by Nishka Koneri and Hriday Sanghavi is a revolutionary companion for the elderly. Ikshana, aims to alleviate loneliness and is an all-rounder robot, specializing in aiding senior citizens with and without health problems. Creating an arena for senior citizens to discover more about themselves, Ikshana supports their physical, mental and emotional health. Through specialized exercises, it combats diseases like Parkinson’s and hypertension. Furthermore, seniors engage with experts, including doctors and nutritionists and indulge in an array of activities, from memory-enhancing games to origami and cooking classes, fostering cognitive development. Physical exercises, yoga, emotional support and journaling sessions promote holistic health. Music, pet, and talk therapies enrich the experience, while an eating buzzer assists in meal management. Work time simulations and hand massages further cater to the seniors’ needs. Therefore, Ikshana ensures a comprehensive and compassionate approach to elderly care.

The Saviours

Ensuring safety is a paramount consideration in vehicle design. Modern vehicles are now equipped with a range of safety features such as airbags, front and rear cameras, lane departure warning, tire pressure indicators, adaptive headlights, automatic emergency braking, adaptive cruise control, and more. Despite the advancements in safety features, there is a notable absence in the automotive industry when it comes to addressing the critical issue of detecting and extinguishing fires within vehicles. Presently, no car manufacturer has implemented a feature specifically designed to combat fires.
To address this gap, we propose the development of a prototype that utilizes computer vision and artificial intelligence to automatically sense the presence of fire. Upon detecting a fire, the system will activate an integrated fire-dousing mechanism to swiftly and effectively extinguish the flames. This innovative solution aims to enhance vehicle safety by proactively addressing the threat of fires within the automotive environment.


Given the widespread prevalence of cataracts, many individuals tend to be unaware of the condition, often due to time constraints. To address this issue, we have introduced an innovative solution involving a small robot designed to identify and diagnose cataracts efficiently. This robotic system operates by utilizing a trained artificial intelligence model in conjunction with a standard general-purpose camera. The implementation of this technology serves a dual purpose: not only does it enable users to save both time and money, but it also facilitates early detection of cataracts. The robot’s ability to swiftly and accurately assess the condition leverages the power of artificial intelligence, making the screening process more accessible and efficient. By bringing this technology to the forefront, we aim to enhance awareness, accessibility, and timely detection of cataracts, ultimately contributing to improved eye health outcomes for individuals.

AIC (Agro-Information Center)

It’s a one-stop-shop APP for farmers to find answers to questions related to any aspect of agriculture.
Farmers consult ‘animated experts’ who answer questions from Idea to Market.
The experts:
1. Dani Kishore – the ‘IDEA MAN’, He looks at the farm location, characteristics like elevation, climatic conditions etc. combines with data from soil analysis to suggest the right crop. He relies on a huge database across geographies to provide this information.
2. Sunil Wakataka – the BUSINESS ANALYST, who tells me how lucrative the Idea is, the yield I can expect for my land and estimated returns to all aspects is related to finance.
3. Karan Gupta – the GROWTH Expert, He helps get maximum Yield Per Crop by adopting farming best practices and use intelligent tools and technologies.
4. Arohi Rao- the SUPPLYCHAIN Expert who helps find the best buyer and gets the best deal for your produce.

Moral Story

This project is based on the Theme Save the Environment.
Pictoblox blocks and instructions used in this project.

Face Detection

This Project is based on the theme Automate the surroundings. We used pictoblox blocks and instructions to develop the project.